What is Redox?
Redox (or Redox Balance) is the term used to describe the level of the body’s Oxidative Stress, as measured by the amount of Circulating Free Radicals vs its Antioxidant Reserves.
What are Free Radicals?
Free Radicals are molecules with unpaired electrons i.e. they are out of balance. They attempt to rectify this by “stealing” an electron from another, balanced, molecule thereby causing cellular damage.
Free Radicals are by-products of normal cellular function and when the body’s Redox state is in balance, it has enough Antioxidant (AKA Free Radical Scavengers) Reserves to cope.
However, if this balance is out then it can no longer cope and is in a state of Oxidative Stress
Many factors lead to Oxidative Stress and resultant diseases
Monitoring your Redox State gives you the opportunity to take the necessary actions to re-establish Redox Balance in order to slow the progression of existing diseases and/or prevent the development of new ones.
Point-of-care Redox testing = Staying ahead of the disease curve
Non-Communicable Diseases begin with Oxidative-Stress (Think….Type II Diabetes, Cardiovascular Diseases eg Heart Failure, Stroke, Atherosclerosis, Cancers, Neurodegenerative, Liver Diseases, Fertility etc).
Point-of-Care Redox testing = Staying Ahead of the Disease Curve
Because the device we use is portable, by definition, point-of-care testing can be conducted at many different locations such as medical clinics, pharmacies and workplaces – all we need is a clean private room and power.
All our testers are accredited by the Australian Point-of Care Practitioners Network.
The device we use – Callegari CR3000 is approved by the TGA and the European Union, and delivers accurate, reliable results and a report within about 20 mins which can be emailed to your doctor if required.
This same device was used by researchers in the following studies:
“The Potential Benefit of Monitoring Oxidative Stress and Inflammation in the Prevention of Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs).” Seyedsadjadi et al, Antioxidants (Basel). 2021
“Evaluation of oxidative stress levels in obesity and diabetes by the free oxygen radical test and free oxygen radical defence assays and correlations with anthropometric and laboratory parameters.” Gaman et al, World J Diabetes 2020 May 15
“Factors associated with high oxidative stress in patients with type 2 diabetes: a meta-analysis of two cohort studies.” Anusruti et al, BMJ Open Diab Res Care 2020
“Molecular phenotyping of oxidative stress in diabetes mellitus with point-of-care NMR system.” Peng et al, Aging and Mechanisms of Disease 2020
“Atherosclerosis: Technologies of Personalized Medicine.” Ragino, Journal of Personalized Medicine, 2022
“The Evaluation of Oxidative Stress and High-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol Levels in Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma.” Gaman et al, ResearchGate, 2019
“Critical Difference and Biological Variation in Biomarkers of Oxidative Stress and Nutritional Status in Athletes.” Lewis et al, Plos One, 2016
“Correlation of the oxygen radical activity and antioxidants and severity in critically ill surgical patients – study protocol.” Shim et al, World Journal of Emergency Surgery 2013
Monitoring your Redox State gives you the opportunity to take the necessary actions to re-establish REDOX Balance in order to slow the progression of existing diseases and/or prevent the development of new ones.
Test and Stay Ahead of the Disease Curve
Establish a Baseline then re-test to measure progress
Testing involves the use of multiple and complex assays.
The total cost for a precise Redox measurement, Disease Risk Assessment, Health-Profiling and associated recommendations is $129
We currently offer testing in the following areas:
Sydney – Eastern Suburbs, Metro and North of Parramatta Rd
Gosford and all Central Coast suburbs
Newcastle and suburbs
Hunter Valley
**we are happy to travel further afield for groups of 10 or more
contact us for more information or to book a testing date